Sunday 30 September 2012

More done yesterday...

Did some more yesterday but it was too dark to photograph. In fact I still managed to take a crap photo today.

Did more work on the leather, giving it a dark wash, and the highlights and lowlights on the shirt are finished.

Saturday 29 September 2012


After 24 days I finally update my daily painting blog... Oops.
Right, have been working on the Celtic Chieftain, started work on his shirt and the leather.

Tuesday 4 September 2012


Today I have painted the bronze parts of the Celtic bust.

1. Undercoat with Russian Uniform Green.

2. Black wash (which I also put over the hair and beard).

3. Mix of Bronze and German Grey put thinly over the top.

4. Final highlight with a slightly brighter mix of Bronze and German Grey.

Saturday 1 September 2012

Celtic Bust 0109

Not done much this week, but did a bit more details on the hair and beard this morning.